Find Us at The GoggleWorks: 201 Washington Street, Suite 326, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601

David Day “Creative Intentional Camera Movement” 

 March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM: David Day will give a presentation entitled “ICM in the Studio.....A Different Approach to Creating Abstract Images”   David Day resides in Flat Rock, NC. His interest in...

Intro to Photography Workshops – Part two

Intro to Photography Workshops We are very excited to be offering our "Introduction to Digital Photography" workshops again this March. If you are a beginning photographer, or want to hone your skills...

Dan Oleski “Fine Art of Automobiles and Close-up Details”

- March 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Dan Oleski will give a talk on “From Film to Digital, a Former Photojournalist Drives into Automotive Photography” Local Photographer, Dan Oleski, will talk about his freelance photography...

March Competition – “A Time to Reflect”

March Competition - "A Time to Reflect" By James Egitto Our theme for this competition is A Time to Reflect. Sometimes it's the reflections that catch our eye and inspire our...

Valerie Hoffman “Garden Photography”

- April 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Valerie Hoffman will share her insights on “Garden Photography” Valerie Hoffman loves photography AND gardens! This photography educator who has led many Photo...

Dutch Bagley  “NYC Photography”

 June 2, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Dutch Bagley will share his perspective on  “The Awe of Capturing Architecture”   Dutch says, “Photographing a city's architecture is an enriching experience that...