Find Us at The GoggleWorks: 201 Washington Street, Suite 326, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601

Intro to Photography Workshops – Part one

Intro to Photography Workshops We are very excited to be offering our "Introduction to Digital Photography" workshops again this March. If you are a beginning photographer, or want to hone your skills...

David Day “Creative Intentional Camera Movement” 

 March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM: David Day will give a presentation entitled “ICM in the Studio.....A Different Approach to Creating Abstract Images”   David Day resides in Flat Rock, NC. His interest in...

Intro to Photography Workshops – Part two

Intro to Photography Workshops We are very excited to be offering our "Introduction to Digital Photography" workshops again this March. If you are a beginning photographer, or want to hone your skills...

Dan Oleski “Fine Art of Automobiles and Close-up Details”

- March 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Dan Oleski will give a talk on “From Film to Digital, a Former Photojournalist Drives into Automotive Photography” Local Photographer, Dan Oleski, will talk about his freelance photography...

March Competition – “A Time to Reflect”

March Competition - "A Time to Reflect" By James Egitto Our theme for this competition is A Time to Reflect. Sometimes it's the reflections that catch our eye and inspire our...

Valerie Hoffman “Garden Photography”

- April 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Valerie Hoffman will share her insights on “Garden Photography” Valerie Hoffman loves photography AND gardens! This photography educator who has led many Photo...