“Finding Beauty in the Broken” presented by Valerie A. Hoffman
ZOOMBPS member Valerie A. Hoffman will present "Finding Beauty in the Broken" via Zoom. This program will cover a variety of abandoned, broken and rusty subjects that Valerie has...
BPS member Valerie A. Hoffman will present "Finding Beauty in the Broken" via Zoom. This program will cover a variety of abandoned, broken and rusty subjects that Valerie has...
Knapp & Ella Hudson will speak on “Staying Inspired in Your Photography” via Zoom. This couple will address how their backgrounds & marriage influenced their photographic journey together. They help run...
“Street photography” is maddeningly indefinable. It is difficult to do well. It requires close encounters with strangers. It involves lots of walking. The pay is…... So why do it? In...
Dawn Surrat will speak on “The Photographic Object” via Zoom. Dawn will discuss her use of three dimensional objects & mixed media to tell a story, to create empathy &...
Ian Plant will present “Visual Design Techniques for Making Stunning Photos” via Zoom. In this session, professional photographer Ian Plant will share some of his favorite photos from around the...
Leigh Reeves of BPS Australia chapter, will lead the session “Shoot & Share” via Zoom. Please contact Leigh at reel1@me.com with comments, questions or interest in being involved.