The critique for this month’s online competition can be viewed here. It is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 of the May 2020 Photo Competition Critique
Part 2 of the May 2020 Photo Competition Critique

The May Assigned Subject: Black and White

The winners for the May 2020 Competition are:

Class A

Pictorial B&W:

1: Coming & Going by Vince Pellegrini
2: Ready and Waiting by Tom Stoeri
3: Bryon Bay Lighthouse by Ivan Bub
Honorable Mention: Playing With Emotion by Bill Coughlin 


1: Living on the Edge by Vince Pellegrini
2: Away We Go by Ivan Bub
3: Coming Home by Vince Pellegrini
Honorable Mention: Froggy Went a Courtin by Tom Stoeri

Class B

Pictorial B&W:

1: To Stir With Glove by Bob Gross
2: Supplies by Gabrielle Allen
3: Fire & Ice by Bob Gross
Honorable Mention: Looking Down by Charlie Beavens


1: Proud Mother by Bob Gross
2: Fallen by Gabrielle Allen
3: Bud in the Wind by Bob Gross
Honorable Mention: Pollen Collector by Jackie Henry