The May Assigned Subject: Reflection

The winners for the May 2019 Competition:

Class A


1: Cuttalossa Farm by Valerie Hoffman
2: Shofuso in Spring by Valerie Hoffman
3: Round Up by Larry Stamm
Honorable Mention: Blooming Time by Joanne Stamm


1: After the Rain by Ivan Bub
2: Something Wild by Ginnie Lodge
3: Dalia by Richard Shay
Honorable Mention: Wild Azalea by Joanne Stamm

Assigned Subject: Reflection

1: Jersey Beauty by Vince Pellegrini
2: Reflected Light by Joanne Stamm
3: Flaggs Cove by Ginnie Lodge
Honorable Mention: Council Lake by Valerie Hoffman

Class B


1: Old Barn by Tom Russo
2: Beach Day by Mia Curren
3: Winter Day by Mia Curren
Honorable Mention: Tail Lights by Tom Russo


1: Watchful Mama by Debbie Patt
2: Caterpillar by Patricia Harbach
3: Butterfly on Butterfly Bush by Mia Curren
Honorable Mention: Cherry Blooms by Mia Curren

Assigned Subject: Reflection

1: ’61 Comet by Tom Russo
2: Misty Morning by Debbie Patt
3: Snake by Emily Orischak
Honorable Mention: The Harem by Debbie Patt