Find Us at The GoggleWorks: 201 Washington Street, Suite 326, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601

Vince Pellegrini will teach us about “Focus Stacking and Some Other Neat Things”

 January 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Vince Pellegrini will teach us about “Focus Stacking and Some Other Neat Things”  Vince Pellegrini will talk about his use of focus stacking from beginning to end. Vince has been using creative focus stacking in a different way than it is typically applied to large landscape scenes & macro work. Specifically, he...

Huibo Huo will present “The Power of Simplicity in Black and White Landscape Photography


- January 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Huibo Huo will present “The Power of Simplicity in Black and White Landscape Photography” Huibo Hou (, is a landscape photographer based in San Diego, California. She fell in love with photography about 26 years ago as a hobbyist while working in the wireless communication industry. Then life took her in different...

Betsy Wilson will share “A Different Point of View”


- February 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Betsy Wilson will share “A Different Point of View” Looking to enhance your images with an unusual or interesting new look? Need some ideas to jumpstart a photo slump or spark some new creativity?  Join us as presenter Betsy Wilson shows us some new twists to spark ideas to make your images...

Tim Peterman will give a presentation on “Portraiture”

- February 17, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Tim Peterman will give a presentation on “Portraiture” Tim Peterman will be presenting a talk on photographing portraits, demonstrating the use of a light meter to get the proper exposure, the use of up to three lighting set ups, and also use of a reflector fill. He may introduce some use of color...

February 22, 2025 (SATURDAY) at 10:00 AM: A Double Header! Outstanding UK nature photographer, Joe Cornish, and  a photo walk in Reading led by Vince Pellegrini,

- February 22, 2025 (SATURDAY) at 10:00 AM: A Double Header! First, Outstanding UK nature photographer, Joe Cornish, will share his insights on photographing “Nature” in a special Saturday morning presentation. Joe's work will have you amazed by its beauty and majesty. Joe states on his website, "...I am British, grateful to live in a peaceful country that, undeniably,...

Intro to Photography Workshops – Part one

Intro to Photography Workshops We are very excited to be offering our "Introduction to Digital Photography" workshops again this March. If you are a beginning photographer, or want to hone your skills even more, this is for you! If you have friends who are interested in photography but don't know how to get started - let them...

David Day “Creative Intentional Camera Movement” 

 March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM: David Day will give a presentation entitled “ICM in the Studio.....A Different Approach to Creating Abstract Images”   David Day resides in Flat Rock, NC. His interest in fine art monochrome and infrared photography began in Connecticut during the 1990’s. During that time, he utilized traditional photographic and darkroom techniques to produce New...