Find Us at The GoggleWorks: 201 Washington Street, Suite 326, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601

BPS member Ginnie Lodge will share “Photoshop Tips and Tricks.”


BPS member Ginnie Lodge will share “Photoshop Tips and Tricks.” Learn how to go from Lightroom to Photoshop and back again. Find out about the power of layers. Learn how and when to use the new generative AI features to remove objects or expand your photos. And more! She will address questions sent by members in advance to...

Francesco Gola will present “Introduction to Seascape Photography” from Italy in a hybrid zoom session


 In this event Francesco will take us on an engaging journey through the captivating realm of seascape photography. The session will kick off with a comprehensive exploration of the essential gear required to capture the breathtaking beauty of seascapes. From cameras & lenses to tripods & filters, Francesco will provide valuable insights into assembling the perfect...

BPS member and photography educator Valerie Hoffman shares “My Adventure in Norway!


- October 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM: BPS member and photography educator Valerie Hoffman shares “My Adventure in Norway! Norway is a Scandinavian country encompassing mountains, lakes, glaciers and deep coaster fjords. Its beauty is unparalleled, and so are the photographic opportunities! Usually the one leading photography workshops here in the states, Valerie says, “In 2022, I had the opportunity to spend...

“Trust the Process” with Jean Miele


- October 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM: Jean Miele will present via a hybrid Zoom session “Trust the Process”. “Gino” is looking forward to showing some of his photographs as a way to share his own three-part creative process: trusting your eyes, not knowing how things will turn out, & playing a deceptively simple game of “What if?”. In Gino’s...

BPS Member Photo Competition & Critique Night “Monochrome Imagery” ********UPDATE*******


Last Minute UPDATE on BPS October Photo Competition & Critique "Monochrome Imagery" By Vince Pellegrini Because of a medical issue, our scheduled judge for this competition, Lewis Katz, had to step aside. But, no fears. Arrangements have been made for Pete Morton to step in to judge & critique our images on October 28, 2024....

Jonathan Vaines of the UK will present a hybrid zoom session titled “Creative Motivation”


This talk will be an artistic approach to photography, stepping out of the mainstream. Along with individual images, Jonathan will discuss the motivational benefits of working with Projects, Sets & Groups of images. Most of his pictures are created using "in camera" techniques & therefore the focus of the evening will be about "Thinking Inside...

November 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM: BPS Member Photo Competition Night “Best of the Year” with Henry Rowan as judge


 November 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM: BPS Member Photo Competition Night “Best of the Year” with the wonderful Henry Rowan of the PA Center For Photography returning for the fifth year in a row to judge & critique this event. Henry’s image reviews are so educational & inspiring. The top 15 BPS images from 2024 as chosen by Henry will represent BPS...

“Photographing the Figure in the Landscape and Abandoned Spaces & Incorporating Textures to Create Digital and 3-D Collaged Images”

Goggle Works Suite 326

 December 2, 2024 at 7:00 PM: Rebecca Carpenter presents “Photographing the Figure in the Landscape and Abandoned Spaces & Incorporating Textures to Create Digital and 3-D Collaged Images”. Rebecca (Becky) will show images from her photo shoots in a variety of backgrounds (desert, ocean, rainforest, mountains, as well as a variety of abandoned spaces) and...

Huibo Huo will present “The Power of Simplicity in Black and White Landscape Photography


- January 20, 2025 at 7:00 PM: Huibo Huo will present “The Power of Simplicity in Black and White Landscape Photography” Huibo Hou (, is a landscape photographer based in San Diego, California. She fell in love with photography about 26 years ago as a hobbyist while working in the wireless communication industry. Then life took her in different...