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Intro to Digital Photography Class part 2 – Seeing The Light

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Intro to Digital Photography Class part 2 – Seeing The Light

February 3, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST

A Two Part Workshop Presented by the Berks Photographic Society. Did you get a new digital camera for Christmas? Or have you had one you just don’t know how to use? This two part series of digital photography workshops will help you become a better photographer! In the two part series we will be covering all aspects of digital photography, from the basics to editing and how to share pictures with friends and family!


Please bring your camera, your camera manual if available, and questions, to each class. We will have assistants on-hand to help with everyone’s cameras and questions. Both sessions are from 9:00am until 3:00 PM with a one hour lunch break. Both sessions will be held at Berks Photographic Society, @Goggle Works, 201 Washington St, Reading, PA 19601, suite 326. PRICE: $90.00 per session, or $150.00 for both sessions (January & February). Berks Photographic Society members receive a discount on this class ($75. per session or $125 for both).

February 3, 2024: Seeing The Light–Using Your Camera: Picking Proper Settings & Exposure and Creating Better Compositions. This session will go into techniques which can used to make everyday pictures into great looking photos you would be proud to hang on your walls. Gain a better understanding of your camera settings and functions, and how you can use them to create better photos. You will learn basic workflow for saving, and editing your images. Please bring your camera and camera manual. Register online here:


If you paid for both parts in January, there is no additional charge for Part 2.


February 3, 2024
9:00 am - 3:00 pm EST


Berks Photographic Society


Goggle Works Suite 326