BPS Officers and Board of Directors
2025 Club Officers |
President | Ken Martin |
Vice President | Bob Gross |
Treasurer | Pat Falco |
Recording Secretary | Tim Huey |
Financial Secretary | Bill Coughlin |
2024 Board of Directors |
Jacqui Burke | James Egitto |
Karen Leh | Ginnie Lodge |
Vince Pellegrini | Marshall Reichert |
Angel Rivera | Sylvia Stottlemire |
Kim Sweimler |
Past Officers and Board of Directors
2024 Officers | ||
President | Bob Gross | |
Vice President | Ken Martin | |
Treasurer | Alan Harris | |
Recording Secretary | Tim Huey | |
Financial Secretary | Bill Coughlin | |
2024 Board of Directors |
Karen Leh | Ginnie Lodge | |
Vince Pellegrini | Marshall Reichert | |
Angel Rivera | Nancy Shear | |
Sylvia Stottlemire | Kim Sweimler |
2023 Officers | ||
President | Bob Gross | |
Vice President | Ken Martin | |
Treasurer | Alan Harris | |
Recording Secretary | Tim Huey | |
Financial Secretary | Bill Coughlin | |
2023 Board of Directors |
Karen Leh | Ginnie Lodge | |
Vince Pellegrini | Marshall Reichert | |
Nancy Shear | Sylvia Stottlemire | |
Kim Sweimler |
2022 Officers
President Bob Gross
Vice President Brian Hare
Treasurer Steve Lackmeyer
Secretary Alan Harris
Financial Secretary Bill Coughlin
2022 Board of Directors
John Conlen Karen Leh
Ginnie Lodge Vince Pellegrini
Larry Stamm Kim Sweimler
2021 Officers
President Jeff Schaeffer
Vice President Bob Gross
Treasurer Steve Lackmeyer
Secretary Alan Harris
Financial Secretary Bill Coughlin
2021 Board of Directors
Theresa Geise Brian Hare
Ginnie Lodge Vince Pellegrini
Tom Russo Larry Stamm
Kim Sweimler
2020 Officers
President Jeff Schaeffer
Vice President Lorne Kingsley
Treasurer Steve Lackmeyer
Secretary Barbara Kauffman
Financial Secretary Bill Coughlin
2020 Board of Directors
Vince Pellegrini Kacey Rovere-Avril
Tom Russo Joel Styer
Kim Sweimler
2019 Officers
President Dean Patton / Jeff Schaeffer
Vice President Jeff Schaeffer
Treasurer Ken Martin
Secretary Terri Geise
Financial Secretary Tammy Wynne
2019 Board of Directors
Joel Styer Bill Coughlin
Greg Aulenbach Vince Pellegrini
Patt Harbach Kim Sweimler
Steve Lackmeyer Bruce Schorle
Kacey Lee Rovere-Avril Lorne Kingsley
2018 Officers
President Joel Styer
Vice President Dean Patton
Treasurer Ken Martin
Secretary Phil Magistro
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2018 Board of Directors
Tammy Auman Steve Keller
Terri Geise Jeff Schaeffer
Tim Youse
2017 Officers
President Joel Styer
Vice President Dean Patton
Secretary Steve Keller
Treasurer Harold Gilmer
Financial Sec. Cheryl Tumolo
Board Members
Neven Dries Tom Stoeri
Terry High Tim Youse
Steve Lackmeyer Ken Martin
Phil Magistro Lori Gehris
Bill Coughlin
2016 Officers
President Joel Styer
Vice President Dean Patton
Secretary Steve Keller
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
Treasurer Harold Gilmer
2016 Directors
Neven Dries Frank Lorah
Konstance Folk Phil Magistro
Terry High Tom Stoeri
2015 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Tim Youse
Secretary Steve Keller
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
Treasurer Harold Gilmer
2015 Directors
Neven Dries Phil Magistro
Konstance Folk Tom Stoeri
Terry High Joel Styer
2014 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Tim Youse
Secretary Cyndi Arnold
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
Treasurer Harold Gilmer
2014 Directors
Neven Dries Leon Fox
Terry High Valerie Hoffman
Phil Magistro Dean Patton
Tom Stoeri Joel Styer
2013 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Tim Youse
Treasurer Phil Magistro
Recording Secretary Cyndi Arnold
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2013 Directors
Leon Fox Dean Patton
Kathy Grim Joel Styer
Terry High Bruce Schorle
2013 Committee Chairs
Budget Phil Magistro
Conference Frank Lorah, Jr.
Contest/Rules Tim Youse
Digital Image Contests Tim Youse
Exhibitions Tim Youse
Programs Joel Styer
Property/Building Board Members
Website Cheryl Tumolo
Workshop Joel Styer
2012 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Treasurer Phil Magistro
Recording Secretary Tim Youse
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2012 Directors
Cyndi Arnold Jarrett Kulm
Kathy Grim Terry High
Gary Marszalak Dean Patton
Joel Styer
2012 Committee Chairs
Budget Phil Magistro
Conference Cheryl Tumolo
Community Events
Contest/Rules Terry Mest
Digital Image Contest Frank Lorah, Jr., Dave Starke & Tim Youse
Exhibitions Tim Youse
Newsletter Cheryl Tumolo
Programs Cheryl Tumolo
Property/Building Board Members
Special Contests Terry Mest
Website Frank Lorah, Jr.
Workshop Jarrett Kulm
2011 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Treasurer Phil Magistro
Recording Secretary Tim Youse
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2011 Directors
Joe Ging Gary Marszalak
Kathy Grim Mike Seigafuse
Terry High Reno Unger
Jarrett Kulm
2011 Committee Chairs
Budget Phil Magistro
Conference Cheryl Tumolo
Community Events
Contest/Rules Terry Mest
Digital Image Contest Frank Lorah, Jr., Dave Starke & Tim Youse
Exhibitions Tim Youse
Newsletter Cheryl Tumolo
Programs Cheryl Tumolo
Property/Building Board Members
Special Contests Terry Mest
Website Frank Lorah, Jr.
Workshop Jarrett Kulm
2010 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Treasurer Phil Magistro
Recording Secretary Tim Youse
Corresponding Secretary Joe Ging
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2010 Directors
Kathy Grim Bob Sheldon
Gary Marszalak Reno Unger
Jenn Seale Matt Vardjan
Dave Starke
2010 Committee Chairs
Budget Phil Magistro
Conference Cheryl Tumolo & Frank Lorah, Jr.
Programs Cheryl Tumolo, Dave Starke & Phil Magistro
Property/Building Board Members
Community Events Frank Lorah, Jr. & Phil Magistro
Digital Image Contest Frank Lorah, Jr., Dave Starke & Tim Youse
Print Contest
Special Contests Terry Mest
Newsletter Cheryl Tumolo
2009 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Treasurer Donn Shires
Recording Secretary Jen Shultz
Corresponding Secretary Matt Vardjan
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2009 Directors
Bob Eck Jenn Seale
Joe Ging Rod Small
Phil Magistro Bob Sheldon
Gary Marszalak Dave Starke
George Rhoads Ken Silagy
2009 Committee Chairs
Budget Donn Shires
Conference Cheryl Tumolo
Programs Bob Gallo & Cheryl Tumolo
Property/Building Matt Vardjan
Community Events Frank Lorah & Phil Magistro
Digital Image Contest Frank Lorah
Slide Contest Bob Gallo & Joe Ging
Print Contest Rod Small
Special Contests Terry Mest
Newsletter Cheryl Tumolo
Refreshments Celeste Geschwindt
2008 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Secretary Jennifer Schultz
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
Treasurer Donn Shires
2008 Directors
Joe Ging George Rhoads
Phil Magistro Gary Marzalak
Bob Sheldon Dave Starke
Rod Small Jenn Seale
Matt Vardjan T. David Berry
Joe Berish Jim Lowe
Bob Eck
2007 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Secretary. Phil Magistro
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
Treasurer Donn Shires
2007 Directors
Matt Vardjan Rod Small
Bob Eck Jennifer Seale
Jim Lowe Jennifer Shultz
Bob Sheldon George Rhoads
Rod Small T. David Berry
2006 (Club name changed to Berks Photographic Society as of 2006)
2006 Officers
President Frank Lorah, Jr.
Vice President Terry Mest
Treasurer Donn Shires
Recording Secretary Phil Magistro
Financial Secretary Cheryl Tumolo
2006 Directors
Bob Eck Matt Varjan
Jim Lowe T. David Berry
Dave Starke Rod Small
Jeff Grabert Bob Sheldon
Joe Berish
2006 Committee Chairs
Assigned Subject Beth Farmer
Budget Donn Shires
Conference Cheryl Tumolo
Programs Bob Gallo
Property/Building Matt Vardjan
Community Events Phil Magistro
Digital Image Contest Frank Lorah
Slide Contest Beth Farmer
Print Contest Rod Small
Special Contests Terry Mest
Newsletter Cheryl Tumolo
Refreshments Celeste Geschwindt
2005 (Club known as Berks Camera Club in 2005 and prior)
2005 Officers
President Cheryl Tumolo
Vice President Terry Mest
Secretary Frank Lorah
Treasurer Beth Farmer
Financial Secretary Alan Harris
2005 Directors
Bob Sheldon Matt Varjan
Donn Shires Phil Magistro
Bob Eck T. David Berry
Dave Starke Joe Berish