The critiques for the Best of the Year competition can be viewed below.
“Best of the Year” judging and critiques by Henry Rowan from among the award winning images from the 2023 Berks Photographic Society competitions. Eligible winners of this event will be submitted to the International Michael Day Competition in January 2024.
This is the fourth year that Henry has agreed to judge the Best of the Year Competition for us. Henry is a national award-winning photographer and a frequent lecturer and judge throughout the region. In addition to judging our contest, Henry spent time making comments and suggestions on individual images. He edited many of them in Lightroom and showed us the before and after and how relatively easy changes may often improve our images.
The entries for the November 2023 “Best of 2023” Competition can be viewed in the presentation below:
The winners for the November 2023 “Best of the Year” Competition can be viewed in the judge’s scoring sheet below: