The critique for this month’s online competition can be viewed below.

November 2020 Photo Competition Judging and Results

The November Assigned Subject: Creativity

The winners for the November 2020 Competition are:

Class A


1: Winter into Spring by Richard Shay
2: The Pagoda by Ivan Bub
3: In a Glass Darkly by Leigh Reeves
Honorable Mention: Sapsucker by Ginnie Lodge


1: Raymondskill Falls by Richard Shay
2: A Walk in the Park by Leigh Reeves
3: Please I am Praying by Ginnie Lodge
Honorable Mention: Follow the Stream by Ginnie Lodge

Class B


1: 2020 by Bob Gross
2: Leaves by Karen Leh
3: Haunted Bridge to Nowhere by Brian Hare
Honorable Mention: Honey I’m Home by Bob Gross


1: Puff by Bob Gross
2: Fall in New Hampshire by Brian Hare
3: Octorara Heron by Bob Gross
Honorable Mention: Fall Colors by Karen Leh